ReportToText Template |
Introduction |
Often you may wish to save reports in a "No frills" format - just as a text file. |
This allows you, for instance, to save a report into a text file and search it for any particular string. |
It also enables you to archive all reports produced by your program. |
This is what ReportToText template does. |
Main advantages of using the template: |
Installation |
Run the installation wizard. It will guide you through a few simple steps. That is it. |
IMPORTANT: If you are using Clarion 5-6, after selecting Clarion5-Clarion6 directory wizard |
will offer to install it into C:\Clarion5(6)\Clarion8 or C:\C55\Clarion8 directory |
respectively. So don't forget to remove the last \Clarion8. But even if you do forget - no problem. |
Just uninstall the template and re-run the installation. |
To start using the template you'll need to manually register it. |
Open Clarion (no application must be opened). |
Go to menu Tools (Setup) -> (Edit) Template Registry -> Register. |
Select new template rpttotxt.tpl and then hit Open button |
You can find it in Clarion7(8,9,10...)\accessory\template\win |
for Clarion >= 7 and in Clarion*\Template - for all others. |
View our animated reminder on how to do this - Registering Template |
(built with our JAVA Animated
Help Builder).
Using Template |
Firstly, you'll need to insert the Global extension Save Report to Text and then repeat this |
routine for each report and insert the respective local extension. And that is all |
you have to do! |
The above picture shows the local template interface. These 4 variables |
control what you may wish to do: whether to save a report or not; which text file name to use; |
whether a just created text file should be opened or not; and with which program. |
This template employs Generic printer driver which is shipped with all Windows OS. |
So it takes only a few minutes to install. |
Hit the Start windows button and go Settings/Printers. Then hit Add printer button |
and in Manufacturers browse select Generic. Simple, isn't it? |
Clarion 6 now has very much the same feature - saving reports into text. However, it's |
only included in the Enterprise version. Besides, in comparison with this template, it |
has some overheads. So Clarion 6 Professional users can view this template as |
a cheap alternative to the Enterprise extras. Enterprise owners can find |
it useful as well... |
We've installed this example into your Clarion*\Examples\RptToTxt directory |
Or Clarion7(8,9,10...)\Lessons\RptToTxt in Clarion 7-10.... |
So for various settings you can investigate the source. |
Copyright © 2025 Vivid Help Systems Pty Ltd |