ReportToText Template

Often you may wish to save reports in a "No frills" format - just as a text file.
This allows you, for instance, to save a report into a text file and search it for any particular string.
It also enables you to archive all reports produced by your program.
This is what ReportToText template does.
Main advantages of using the template:
  • Extremely simple. You needn't change any template settings
    and can control report behaviour with a few variables
  • Supports all major report templates
  • It doesn't make any changes to either Clarion native
    or 3rd party templates. It's a rule!
  • Works with all major report templates: Clarion, CPCS, RPM, DAS, TIN, IceTips
  • Compatible with Clarion 5-10... ABC/Legacy
Run the installation wizard. It will guide you through a few simple steps. That is it.
IMPORTANT: If you are using Clarion 5-6, after selecting Clarion5-Clarion6 directory wizard
will offer to install it into C:\Clarion5(6)\Clarion8 or C:\C55\Clarion8 directory 
respectively. So don't forget to remove the last \Clarion8. But even if you do forget - no problem.
Just uninstall the template and re-run the installation.
To start using the template you'll need to manually register it.
Open Clarion (no application must be opened). 
Go to menu Tools (Setup) -> (Edit) Template Registry -> Register.  
Select new template rpttotxt.tpl and then hit Open button
You can find it in Clarion7(8,9,10...)\accessory\template\win
for Clarion >= 7 and in Clarion*\Template - for all others.
View our animated reminder on how to do this - Registering Template
(built with our JAVA Animated Help Builder).
Using Template
Firstly, you'll need to insert the Global extension Save Report to Text and then repeat this
routine for each report and insert the respective local extension. And that is all
you have to do!
The above picture shows the local template interface. These 4 variables
control what you may wish to do: whether to save a report or not; which text file name to use;
whether a just created text file should be opened or not; and with which program.
This template employs Generic printer driver which is shipped with all Windows OS.
So it takes only a few minutes to install.
Hit the Start windows button and go Settings/Printers. Then hit Add printer button
and in Manufacturers browse select Generic. Simple, isn't it?
Clarion 6 now has very much the same feature - saving reports into text. However, it's
only included in the Enterprise version. Besides, in comparison with this template, it
has some overheads. So Clarion 6 Professional users can view this template as
a cheap alternative to the Enterprise extras. Enterprise owners can find
it useful as well...
We've installed this example into your Clarion*\Examples\RptToTxt directory 
Or Clarion7(8,9,10...)\Lessons\RptToTxt in Clarion 7-10....
So for various settings you can investigate the source.

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